At IES Mariana Pineda, we love cooking. Why? Because cooking is about…
- the journey, the magical process of taking simple ingredients and transforming them into something wonderful.
- sharing: we cook not just for ourselves, but also for others.
- learning: one never stops learning new recipes and other cultures through them.
- making people happy: the smiles you’ll get in return for your effort make it all worthwhile.
So, that is what we have done to celebrate Andalusia’s Day, we have picked up our aprons and started cooking. Apart from the traditional culinary competition, in which students do their best to prepare tasty dishes, some recipes have been displayed in the hall for everyone to read (in French and English) and, why not, try later at home. These recipes have certainly brought a taste of French and British cuisine to our school!
Moreover, some boys and girls in 2nd ESO have joined our special needs students for a very interesting cooking lesson. Together, they have baked a popular British pastry: scones. Before the actual cooking, the recipe was worked with in the English class and then, the best part: baking! We have had so much fun measuring the ingredients, sifting the flour, shaping the dough and, what is really the most important thing of cooking and education too, sharing work, learning from each other and, of course, enjoying the results of our effort: those delicious scones!