Dic 18, 2020
This week, the Biology lessons in 1st ESO have taken place at the Science Park. We were so lucky we could still visit the Park despite the pandemic !Our students have learned so much and taken so many pictures since they all want to win the school ‘s nature...
Oct 30, 2020
If there is a vegetable we all associate with autumn, that’s the pumpkin. Apart from making scary Jack-o-lanterns, we can also bake delicious cakes using this great ingredient full of nutritive benefits. So don’t even think of throwing away the pumpkins you will be...
Oct 1, 2020
Welcome back to school ! This is not going to be an ordinary year, that’s for sure, but we will all work hard to make our students learn a lot. To accomplish that difficult task, we are so lucky to count on our assistants : Liam and Meghan. Let’s know something about...
Jun 23, 2020
This is it! At last, we have got to the longed-for end of this strange term. We will always remember these months as the time when so many activities and trips had to be cancelled, the linguistic immersion in England among them. Such a pity, our students were really...
Jun 1, 2020
… to Sarah, our assistant, who is now back home in England and has written a farewell message for all her students. Here it is:”Thank you for welcoming me into your school. I hope you enjoyed your lessons with me and, most importantly, I hope I have helped you...
Abr 23, 2020
Oh, the places you’ll go… when this lockdown is over! For quite a while now, we haven’t been able to meet our friends or go for a walk or travel anywhere… but we still can visit any place we want to and live life to the full with a book. Happy World Book...
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